A magical book opened with blue and orange particles floating around. Start a manifestation journal.

How to Start a Manifestation Journal: Best Practices

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Learning how to start a manifestation journal has become increasingly popular as more people seek to harness the power of positive thinking and goal setting.

This article will explore how to start a manifestation journal, what it is, the questions you should ask yourself, how to choose the right one, and some manifestation journal samples.

What Is A Manifestation Journal?

A manifestation journal is a personal journal used to write down your goals, desires, and aspirations.

If you want to start a manifestation journal, you can use it to reflect on what you want to manifest in your life and track your progress toward your goals.

The idea behind a manifestation journal is that the more you focus on what you want to achieve, the more likely you are to attract it into your life.

Do Manifestation Journals Work?

Yes! Manifestation journals do work but only if they are used consistently and with a clear intention. Simply writing down your goals and desires once in a while is not enough.

To make manifestation journals work, you need to use them regularly, focus on your goals with a positive attitude, and take action toward achieving them. It’s not enough to just wish for something.

If you want to start a Manifestation Journal that works you need to believe in it, work towards it, and take inspired action to make it a reality.

This is the reason why a lot of people swear by manifestation journals, while some believe that they are not effective.

Why You Should Start a Manifestation Journal

Increases Focus to Achieve Goals

One of the key principles behind manifestation is the idea that we attract what we focus on. For this reason, it is best to start a manifestation journal by consistently focusing on our goals and desires.

When we direct our thoughts and energies toward what we want to attract, we can significantly increase the likelihood of manifesting our desires into our reality.

By doing so, we not only become more motivated and focused on our goals, but we also align ourselves with the vibrational frequency of the manifestation we seek.

Helps Align Your Thoughts and Feelings

When we start a manifestation journal we become more aware of our thoughts and feelings which helps us better align with the laws of attraction.

By focusing on positive thoughts and feelings and releasing any limiting beliefs or negative thoughts, we can create a vibration that is more in alignment with what we want to manifest.

Holds You Accountable

Learning how to start a manifestation journal can help us hold ourselves accountable for our goals and aspirations.

By reflecting on our progress and what we need to do to move closer to our goals, we can stay motivated and focused on what we want to achieve.

Improves Your Mindset

By focusing on what we want to manifest, we can shift our mindset from one of lack and limitation to one of abundance and possibility. This shift in perspective can have a powerful impact on what we attract into our lives.

Maximize Your Manifestation’s Effectiveness

Before you start a manifestation journal it is important to understand the principles of manifestation and to be committed to using the journal consistently.

It is also important to have a clear understanding of what you want to manifest and to focus your thoughts and feelings on that goal.

When you start a manifestation journal in combination with other manifestation techniques, such as visualization, affirmations, and gratitude, you can increase its effectiveness to better attract what you want in life.

What Are The Laws Of Attraction In Manifestation?

The laws of attraction in manifestation refer to the idea that like attracts like and that our thoughts, feelings, and energy have a powerful impact on what we attract into our lives.

This concept is based on the idea that the universe is constantly giving us what we focus on and that our thoughts and feelings are powerful magnets that draw experiences and circumstances to us.

Below are some key laws of attraction you should know before you start a manifestation journal:

The Law Of Vibration

This law states that everything in the universe is vibrating at a specific frequency, including our thoughts and feelings. Our vibration attracts experiences and circumstances that are in alignment with it.

The Law Of Attraction

The law of attraction states that we attract what we focus on. If we focus on positive thoughts and feelings, we attract positive experiences and circumstances into our lives.

If we focus on negative thoughts and feelings, we attract negative experiences and circumstances. This is why it’s important to focus on the positives when you start a manifestation journal.

The Law Of Abundance

This law follows the idea that there is an abundant supply of everything we need in the universe. When we focus on abundance and believe that we are worthy of it, we attract abundance into our lives.

The Law Of Deliberate Creation

The law of deliberate creation states that we have the power to consciously create our lives by focusing our thoughts and feelings on what we want to manifest.

When you start a manifestation journal physically writing these thoughts and feelings down helps to solidify them in your mind and align your subconscious beliefs with your conscious desires.

The Law Of Allowing

The law of allowing states that we must allow the universe to bring our desires to us. We must release our attachment to the outcome and trust that the universe will bring us what we need at the right time and in the right way.

By understanding and applying these laws of attraction in manifestation, we can create the lives we desire and attract the experiences and circumstances we want into our lives.

How To Choose The Right Manifestation Journal

Before you start a manifestation journal the first thing you want to do is choose a journal that visually gives you good vibes.

You are more likely to stick with a Manifestation Journal if it looks nice and is enjoyable to use.

Consider a journal with prompts or guided questions to help you focus your thoughts and stay on track.

Look for a journal with a format that works for you. Some people prefer lined paper, while others prefer a blank journal.

Choose a journal that is portable and can easily fit in your bag or purse. This way, you can take it with you wherever you go and write in it whenever you have a moment.

Key Questions to Ask in Your Manifestation Journal

  • What do you want to manifest in your life?
  • Why do you want this manifestation?
  • What are the steps you need to take to make your manifestation a reality?
  • How can you make your manifestation a priority in your life?
  • What obstacles or challenges do you foresee in your manifestation journey?
  • How can you overcome these obstacles or challenges?
  • What can you do today to move closer to your manifestation?
  • How will your life be different when your manifestation becomes a reality?

Sections to Include in Your Manifestation Journal

Manifestation journals come in a variety of forms, each designed to optimize their effectiveness using specific methods and techniques.

Popular types include daily gratitude, goal-setting, vision board, and daily intention journals.

If you have a clear idea of what you want to manifest, you can start a manifestation journal tailored to that purpose.

However, if you’re uncertain, consider a multi-purpose manifestation journal, divided into sections that cover all the mentioned topics.

This way, you can explore various aspects of manifestation and determine what works best for you.

Below are a few journal sections along with some examples you can include when you start a manifestation journal.

Gratitude Journal Section

When you start a manifestation journal you should include a gratitude section that focuses on expressing gratitude for what you already have in your life.

By focusing on gratitude, you can shift your energy and vibration to a more positive frequency, which can help attract more positive experiences and circumstances into your life.

Here are three examples of what you could write in a gratitude journal:

  • “Today, I am grateful for my warm bed and cozy blanket. I feel so safe and comfortable every time I snuggle into it at night.”
  • “I am grateful for the laughter and good times I shared with my friends over dinner last night. Their love and support mean so much to me.”
  • “I am grateful for the beautiful weather we had today. The sunshine and fresh air gave me a much-needed boost of energy and positivity.”

When you start a manifestation journal remember the key is to make it a daily habit and to write in it regularly.

The 5×55 Method Section

Another good section to have when you start a manifestation journal is the 5×55 method. This method entails writing down your intention 55 times per day, for five consecutive days.

This repetitive practice brings your manifestation to life, making it feel more tangible and attainable, rather than being just a distant aspiration or dream.

Here are three examples of manifestation intentions written using the 5×55 Method:

  • “I am now earning $2,000 per month doing work that I love.”
  • “I have a loving, supportive, and happy relationship with my partner.”
  • “I am healthy, fit, and have a strong and positive relationship with my body.”

The 369 Method Section

The 369 Method is similar to the 5×55 Method, however, you will repeat your affirmations more frequently over a period of several days.

Below is an outline of the 369 method for when you start a manifestation journal:

  • In the morning, write your affirmation three times.
  • In the afternoon, write your affirmation six times.
  • In the evening, write your affirmation nine times.

Repeat this process for 21 consecutive days. By doing more repetitions of your affirmation over a longer period of time, the 369 Method can help embed your manifestation into your subconscious mind and increase its power and effectiveness.

Daily Intentions Section

Having a daily intentions section is essential when you start a manifestation journal. For daily intentions, you write down your intentions for the day. Every morning, jot down something that you plan to achieve during the day.

This simple act of setting an intention will guide your actions and focus for the next 24 hours.

This can include what you want to achieve, what you want to focus on, and what you want to feel.

By setting clear intentions each day, you can increase your chances of attracting what you desire into your life.

Here are a few examples of what you could write as your daily intention:

  • “Today, I will complete my project presentation and submit it by end of the day.”
  • “Today, I will reach out to new potential clients with my services.”
  • “Today, I will devote 30 minutes to meditation.”

Setting a clear and specific intention for the day can help you prioritize your tasks and stay on track toward your goals.

Whether it’s a work-related objective or a personal goal, writing down your daily intention can give you a sense of purpose and direction.

Evening Reflections Section

When you start a manifestation journal having evening reflections can help bring your day to a fulfilling end. Evening reflections are similar to daily intentions, except it takes place at the end of each day.

In this section, you reflect on what you are thankful for, what lessons you learned, and any areas in which you could have done things differently.

Additionally, you can write down what you want to focus on the next day. This type of journaling helps you conclude each day on a positive note and start the next day with a clear sense of direction.

Here’s an example of what you could write in an evening reflection section about something you could have done differently:

Today, I learned that I could have approached my meeting with my team differently. I became frustrated and raised my voice, which did not achieve the desired outcome. Next time, I will take a deep breath and try to remain calm and respectful, even in challenging situations. This will help me communicate more effectively and build better relationships with my colleagues.

Reflecting on what you could have done differently can help you identify areas for improvement and learn from your mistakes.

By doing so, you can avoid repeating the same mistakes in the future and grow as a person.

Furthermore, it can also help you maintain a positive and growth-oriented mindset, which is essential for manifestation success.

Letting Go of Limiting Beliefs Section

In this section, you write down any limiting beliefs that are holding you back. This is a very beneficial section to have when you start a manifestation journal.

Once written you can then work to release these limiting beliefs and replace them with positive affirmations that support your manifestation goals.

For example, let’s say that you have a limiting belief that you are not capable of achieving success in your career.

You can write down this belief and explore where it comes from. Then, you can start to work on releasing this belief by questioning its validity and creating positive affirmations to replace it.

An example of a positive affirmation could be, “I am capable of achieving great success in my career, and I am taking steps every day to make this a reality.”

By consistently reinforcing this affirmation, you can begin to shift your mindset and attract opportunities that align with your career goals.

Romantic Manifestations Section

If you are looking to manifest a romantic relationship, you can start a manifestation journal specifically for this purpose or simply make it into another section. You can write down your desires, what you want in a partner, and what kind of relationship you want to create.

Write down how you envision the relationship going forward. It’s all about having clarity on what you desire, believing it’s possible, setting intentions for it, and taking tangible steps towards it.

Synchronicities Section

Having a section for tracking synchronicities can be very insightful when you start a manifestation journal.

Manifestation synchronicities are coincidental events signaling that your manifestation is materializing.

They come in various forms like numbers, encounters, or chance events, and boost faith in the process.

Tracking these in a journal helps identify patterns connecting thoughts, feelings, actions, and desires.

Here are a few examples of manifestation synchronicities that may occur:

  • You think of a long-lost friend you haven’t spoken to in years, and then you suddenly receive a call or message from them out of the blue.
  • You set an intention to find a new home, and then you start seeing “For Rent” signs everywhere you go, even in areas you never noticed before.
  • You focus on manifesting financial abundance, and then unexpected opportunities arise, such as a raise at work or a new business opportunity.

Positive Affirmations Section

When you start a manifestation journal having a place for positive affirmations is a must!

Positive affirmations are statements that you write down and repeat to yourself to reinforce positive beliefs and help you attract what you desire into your life.

When you repeat positive affirmations, they help you overcome negative self-talk and limiting beliefs.

You can tailor your affirmations to fit your specific manifestation goals, whether it’s for wealth, relationships, health, or personal growth.

For example, if your goal is to attract abundance, you might write an affirmation such as, “I am worthy and deserving of abundance.

Other affirmations you can write include:

  • “I accept myself with all my flaws, knowing that they make me unique”
  • “I have the strength within me to overcome any obstacle in front of me”
  • “I am strong and capable of achieving anything I set my mind to”
  • “My success is determined by my own efforts and dedication”
  • “I am worthy of love and respect”

Writing down positive affirmations is essential when you start a manifestation journal. It’s a great way to remind yourself of the good things life has to offer, no matter how discouraging the world around you can be.

By taking just a few minutes each day to write down and repeat your affirmations, you can train your mind to focus on positive thoughts and attract what you want in life.

Surrender Statements Section

Surrender Statements are another must-have section when you start a manifestation journal. Surrender statements are brief reminders to release anxieties and trust life’s process.

By writing and repeating them daily, you cultivate inner peace and serenity, allowing you to detach from outcomes and trust the universe’s timing. This alignment with the law of allowing enhances your manifestation potential.

Here are 4 surrender statements you can use to help you let go:

  • “I let go of my need to control and trust the universe’s plan for me.”
  • “I release my anxieties, knowing that everything happens for a reason.”
  • “I surrender my worries, trusting that the right opportunities will come.”
  • “I accept uncertainty, knowing that the universe will guide me.”

The key to Using a Manifestation Journal

To start a manifestation journal, choose a format that feels comfortable and motivating for you. This can be a physical notebook, a premade Manifestation Journal, or a digital app, depending on your preference.

When you start a manifestation journal the key to using it effectively is to find a method that best works for you and to use it consistently.

By focusing your thoughts and feelings on what you want to manifest and aligning with the laws of attraction, you can increase your chances of attracting what you desire into your life.

Remember that it takes time to manifest your desires, so be patient and persistent in your efforts. Stay positive and trust in the universe to bring you what you need at the right time.

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